• CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>
  • CFS - GURI DAM<div class="subtitle">submarine survey</div>

The Guri Dam also known as Raul Leoni Hydroelectric Center, it is one of the largest operating hydroelectric projects in the world. It is located in the Bolivar State in Venezuela’s Guayana region, and was built over a 23-year period using a phased construction concept. It supplies the 70% of Venezuela’s electricity. A 2000 ton submerged displacement submarine called CFS (Compuerta Flotante Submarina) is used at the Guri Dam for sealing water intake openings, located at the bottom of the 162 meters high Dam. It is made up of various molded parts that are fitted together and make it possible to isolate the dam’s bulkheads and therefore guarantee the maintenance technicians safe access. Consultancy services were provided for the structural integrity of the CFS. A detailed survey of the CFS structure was held and remarks were drawn for the machine, machinery and the equipment. Operational and technical procedures were recommended.

Type of Services/Role:

  • Evaluation of existing status, inspection of the structure, evaluation of the present documentation
  • Evaluation of the procedures and suggestions during the CFS’s sea trials
  • Evaluation of the performance of the equipment/machinery
Category : Submarine Survey, Structural Integrity Assessment
Location : Guri, Bolivar, Venezuela
Start/End : 10.2008/05.2009
Budget : Confidential
Origin of Funding : FAPCO
Media/Publications : Confidential
Partners :